FG Tools EVC | Editing Vertex Color Addon
EVC (editing vertex color) is the addon designed to be handy tool for more technical side of vertex color works. If you use VC for masking your material instructions or for whatever else you need and you feel pain in the ass to manage VC by default blender Vertex Paint because it was not designed for such works - this addon may be helpful for you.
Link to addon Git Wiki page and here you can find long detailed youtube video manual
Key addon features (in version 1.0):
- It work in Mesh Edit mode so no need to switch to Vertex Paint.
- It has it’s own vertex color picker tool which, unlike default Blender color picker, look inside mesh data and pick not screen pixels color, but actual vertex color values.
- It has advanced masking options (in compare to Vertex Paint mode) so allow to do more advanced VC editing.
- It provide you with such tools Set/Add/Subtract (VC on channel/channels), Randomize (VC values for Set/Add/Subtract tool), Move/Copy/Swap (VC channel to channel), Multiply+Power (VC on channel/channels), Invert (VC on channel/channels).
- Set/Add/Subtract tool also has randomizer which allow you to randomize vertex color values depending on mode per Loop (face corner)/ Vertex/Face/Element (part of a mesh separated from other parts)
- It has it’s own Select Similar operator for vertex colors (Blender has lot of possible “select similar” options but not for vertex color).
It has it’s own color palette in cases you need to use often some very specific color values.
Thank you for visiting this page and paying attention, I hope this addon could be useful at least for someone in the world so I made it not only for my self. For feedback/bug report use this Blender Artists website page. Also, here link to FG Tools Git page.
Please, pay for this addon only if you feel that it is worth it.